Abstehende Ohren korrigieren - Correcting protruding ears

Advantages of the Stitch Method of Dr. Merck over Traditional methods

Based on the evaluation of 5528 ears operated on between 1996 – 2008

Stitch method

Traditional methods

Ideal result by always creating a round, edge-free antihelix

Often edges and deformations along the antihelix

Patient can control and decide on the new position during the operation with hand mirror 

No deciding possible

Ears can be corrected the same on both sides

Ears often can't be corrected the same on both sides

Patient sees the result already at the end of the operation

Patient sees result only at first change of bandage

No headbands

Always headbands, sometimes for 2 weeks or longer

No cuts or removal of skin; only tiny stitch-points on both sides of the ear

Large cuts of the skin, often oval excisions of skin on the back of the ear

The cartilage is not exposed, cut, scored, thinned out or worked in any way

Thinning, scratching or other working of the cartilage

No visible scars

Scars unavoidable

Miminal loss of blood during operation

Larger loss of blood during operation

No bleeding after operation

Sometimes post-operative bleeding of differing extent

Post-operative infection risk at thread penetration of skin only 2.8 %

Post-operative infection risk at thread penetration of skin up to 9. 9 %

Only 4 cases of a genuine allergy to the thread material up till now

Thread fistula and granuloma up to 9.9 % because of use of other thread material

Pain after operation seldom longer than 1 to 3 days

Pain up to a week or longer

Only one day of post-operative infection protection with antibiotics

Protection of infection with antibiotics for mostly 1 to 2 weeks

Minimal traumatisations of the ears

Heavy traumatisations of the ears

Low degree swellings for about 5 to 7 days

Often heavy swellings up to two weeks or longer

No shaving of hair around the ear

Often shaving of the hair around the ear

Outpatient treatment

Often inpatient treatment, sometimes for up to two weeks

No post-operative check-up

Often several post-operative check-ups and treatments necessary

No or only short-term sick leave from school or work

Always sick leave of varying lengths of time

Low relapse quota of 4.9 %

Clearly higher relapse quota of up to 58 %

Thread rejection quota of 5.8 %

Thread rejection quota up to 9.9 %

Serious complications are not possible

Serious irreversible deformations extending to a cauliflower ear are possible

Wide acceptance by patients (The oldest male patient so far was 86)

Low acceptance by patients